Medicinska e-biblioteket VGR and Medical libraries in Region Västra Götaland

Medicinska e-biblioteket VGR is a collaboration between the medical libraries in Region Västra Götaland. It serves as a crucial knowledge resource for evidence-based practices in healthcare.

All employees within healthcare in VGR have access to the content in E-biblioteket, both within the region’s network and externally (log in with your VGR ID and current password for network/email access).

A significant part of the content in E-biblioteket VGR consists of national agreements through Eira, the collaborative organization for Sweden’s hospital libraries. Eira ensures that all healthcare professionals have access to a common core collection of scientific journals.

In addition to Eira, the medical libraries subscribe to scientific journals and reference databases based on the needs of the hospitals. If scientific articles are missing from E-biblioteket, employees at hospitals with libraries can order them free of charge. For other services such as help with literature search and how to borrow books contact the specific library that provide service within your administration. 

Medical libraries that provide services to the staff of each administration are available at NU Hospital Group, Skaraborg Hospital, Sahlgrenska University Hospital, and Södra Älvsborg Hospital.

Shared mail for the medical libraries:

Contact information for the medical libraries: